Customs Clearance and Customs Broker Services
The issue of customs clearance of imported goods is relevant for all enterprises and organizations that are participating in foreign economic activity. When the importer imports foreign-made goods intended for sale on the territory of our country, the products are subject to mandatory declaration.
Customs clearance of cargo is a complex multi-stage task, which takes a lot of time and effort requiring professional knowledge. Not every organization can afford to hire a competent in-house expert in this area. For the owner of small or medium-sized businesses, the most optimal option is to use the services of a customs broker.
Timing of Customs Clearance of goods and cargo
One of the most important aspects of customs clearance is the time it takes to complete the work. If the procedure of declaring is delayed, it does not lead to anything except for the loss of your money and positive reputation with customers.
First, the storage of goods at the customs terminal is one of the main expense items, and secondly, if you are engaged in importing clothes or goods with a short shelf life your business partners are unlikely to want to delve into your constant problems with customs clearance, because services of another supplier can be used. Losing regular customers is a serious threat to your business!
It’s also important how much customs clearance costs. If professionals from the company BLS Express take the case, they first of all make the necessary calculations and inform the client about the cost of declaration. This is the reason why customs clearance of cargo should not be entrusted to specialists who do not have sufficient experience or qualifications. Possible errors in calculating the cost of customs clearance and other deficiencies in interacting with customs authorities can entail serious costs and damage your business reputation.
Customs Clearance Services by BLS Express
Our organization has been operating since 2014 and offers all kinds of services related to the delivery, storage and customs clearance of imported goods. Turning to us, you can reduce the time of customs clearance of cargo to a minimum.
This is possible due to the provision of a comprehensive service within the framework of a professional customs service, which includes:
- Registration of the importer as a foreign economic activity participant with the customs authorities.
- Preparation and vetting of documents required for customs clearance of cargo and goods.
- Expertise of accompanying documentation for cargo.
- Classification of goods and the defining the code of each product.
- Calculation of customs payments.
Customs clearance services also include inspection of goods, facilitating release of goods at the customs terminal. At all stages of work BLS Express specialists regularly inform the customer by providing a detailed report. In the event of force majeure and unusual situations your customs agent will represent your interests at the state authorities. You can always seek help from a specialist assigned to you if you need to get a verbal consultation on the issues of declaration.
Optimization of Cargo Customs Clearance Process
In our work we use progressive methods to make the customs’ procedure of issuing documents and releasing goods much easier and shorter in time. For example, when customs clearing spare parts and other types of industrial products our specialists apply a method of filing a preliminary customs declaration. This document is submitted to the customs authorities even before the vehicle with cargo arrives at the customs terminal.
Thanks to this, customs clearance spare parts as well as clothing and other consumer goods is made in the shortest time possible. You and your customers will not have to wait long for the release of the goods: customs clearance of the cargo will take minimum time.
Such high efficiency is achieved not only through availability of technical capacities, but also through experience of our employees. Specialists with professional experience exceeding 10 years or more will successfully cope with any task, be it customs clearance of equipment or handling a large shipment of food products. For more information about the services of the customs representation from BLS Express please contact our consultant by phone or e-mail.